

Loftware 技术支持

Loftware Support 隆重推出我们新的客户门户网站!

现在,可通过我们的网站直接访问该门户网站,提供高级案例管理、实时案例跟踪、丰富的知识文章、用户管理等。立即探索这些增强功能,请前往 https://my.loftware.com。请参阅我们的教程,了解如何高效使用客户支持门户网站。有关支持门户网站的任何问题或疑问,请联系 portalhelp@loftware.com

Interested in a Maintenance Contract?

Loftware offers Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) which ensures access to our Technical Support and provides free software upgrades. Our sales team is ready to help you choose the best option for your needs.

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